Monday, May 10, 2010

Chapter 2 to begin...

Get ready Gaylord residents and interested public, the 2nd half of the cast iron and glass screen restoration is about to begin! Our stalwart, Martha, will be starting the interior side this week. We are at the midway point on this project and in no time at all it will be complete. So please, continue to put up with the detours and mess for just a bit longer.

Kudos to Martha so far for all the blood, sweat and tears that she has put into this project.

Fun fact: This cast iron and glass screen was originally the entrance into the Gaylord, fitted with beautiful cast iron and glass doors. The alcove that you initially walk into was open to the elements and did not have a door or window in place. The alcove served as a staging area for those entering and exiting the Gaylord.

If there is anyone out there who has the desire or motivation to do some detective work to try and track down the original doors and have them find their way home to the Gaylord once again, please do so! The Gaylord would greatly appreciate the service.