Thursday, August 27, 2015

POTUS at the Gaylord!...

Last night, the presidential motorcade pulled up to the Gaylord and out stepped the President of the United States..., 'Fitzgerald Grant.' He was later seen exiting with 'Olivia Pope.' All to be shown in an upcoming episode of 'SCANDAL.'
The Gaylord had been established as the residence of 'Olivia Pope' a few seasons back, but only teleported to Washington, D.C. So, always keep an eye out for those Gaylord interior and/or exterior shots throughout the seasons.
And thank you, to the always professional crew of 'SCANDAL.'

In other presidential history, Richard Nixon kept an apartment in the Gaylord while running for governor of California and before becoming President. We also have a photo of President John F. Kennedy standing in front of the Gaylord, in one of our lobby cases.