Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Captains of Industry & Their Wives...

From the September 1927 issue of 'Gaylord Glimpses,' is pictured Mrs. G.J. Kuhrts  (Myra H. Bennett), who was married to George Jacob Kuhrts. While living at the Gaylord, Mr. Kuhrts became the President and General Manager of the Los Angeles Railway Corporation. He took this position upon the death of Henry E. Huntington (of the Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, in San Marino), who had been Owner and President.

Along with the Kuhrts, a familiar name to many southern Californians, Mrs. George A. Ralphs (yes, that Ralphs), was married to the founder of the Ralphs grocery store chain and also kept an apartment here at the Gaylord, during this time, after Mr. Ralphs' passing. Mrs. Ralphs would travel the world, but always return to her home at the Gaylord.

These were just some of the well moneyed people who resided here at the Gaylord. The Gaylord history is full of many more such notables.